Title: Clients don't seem to 'reach' Firewall/Proxy? Post by: mighty_clansman on Monday 14 January 2013, 09:08:15 am Good evening,
I've been asked to come up with a new setup for our Network and I decided to give Endian a try. Got some ol' PCs (still seem to work the best instead of VMs) and got the following setup MODEM -> EFW BOX -> (x-over cable to NIC on Server) -> SERVER (Windows Server 2008 R2) -> (Switch) Clients Things seemed to be working just fine. I got EFW to join the AD and the SERVER is under the rule of EFW's Proxy. My problem lies on the Clients. I got two of 'em connected to the (Swtich) and they can PING the SERVER normally. They got Internet as well. Thing is, I can't ping my Clients from the SERVER at all. Neither can I ping them from the EFW BOX. They also are logged on AD but aren't being affected my the rules I have set. I verified all the settings on the SERVER to no avail. Firewall On or not. I also can't ping the EFW BOX from the Clients. Could it be that I'm missing something that's pretty obvious? I hope not, lol. I'm guessing the Clients aren't working since they can't seem to reach the EFW BOX. If it helps, the settings are as follow: EFW BOX: NIC CONNECTED TO WAN IP ADDRESS (Red): NIC CONNECTED TO SERVER THROUGH X-OVER (Green): SERVER (I got NAT routing activated): NIC CONNECTED TO EFW BOX THROUGH X-OVER: NIC CONNECTED TO THE SWITCH: CLIENTS: IP USED: and GATEWAY: Title: Re: Clients don't seem to 'reach' Firewall/Proxy? Post by: vsenko on Monday 14 January 2013, 06:42:08 pm Good day,
It seems to me that the network config is incorrect. If you want all your network nodes to be in one subnet then you should make a network bridge from the cards on the SERVER. But it would be simmilia to plugging EFW into your network switch. On the other hand if you do not want your Client PCs to directly interact with EFW, then you should use different subnets: one for Cleints and SERVER (for example your current network) and another one for EFW and SERVER ( for example and NAT packets from Clients to EFW through SERVER. |