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Author Topic: Endian 2.5.1 restart every 10 minutes  (Read 17067 times)
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« on: Tuesday 02 July 2013, 06:26:16 am »

Hello to everybody.

I have just installed Endian 2.5.1 on my Super Micro PDSMI+ motherboard. I have a Core 2 duo processor, 2gbytes of Ram and a 80 Gbytes hard disk.

The installation was OK and I configured the endian to work just as non transparent proxy, antivirus  and IDS.

I could not identify why but aproximately every 10 minutes the endian restart network services (not the hardware just the software) so my users start to complain because it happens continuosly.

So, I tried downgrading the endian version to 2.4.1 but the problem is the same.

Does anybody may have a solution or idea why is it happening? or maybe give me the steps to edentify the source of this problem before I get fired?  Cry
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« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 03 July 2013, 08:18:09 am »

Hello to everybody.

I have just installed Endian 2.5.1 on my Super Micro PDSMI+ motherboard. I have a Core 2 duo processor, 2gbytes of Ram and a 80 Gbytes hard disk.

The installation was OK and I configured the endian to work just as non transparent proxy, antivirus  and IDS.

I could not identify why but aproximately every 10 minutes the endian restart network services (not the hardware just the software) so my users start to complain because it happens continuosly.

So, I tried downgrading the endian version to 2.4.1 but the problem is the same.

Does anybody may have a solution or idea why is it happening? or maybe give me the steps to edentify the source of this problem before I get fired?  Cry
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« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 03 July 2013, 10:46:58 am »

That motherboard has on-board raid which is probably the problem.


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« Reply #3 on: Sunday 07 July 2013, 06:50:53 pm »

Use PuTTY to connect to the shell and cd /var/logs you will find a lot of information in there.  The most likely place to find an indication of the problem will be in messages.  Use less messages to view this file. 
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« Reply #4 on: Thursday 11 July 2013, 10:53:00 pm »

Finally I think the problem is discovered, as Steve wrote, the problem seems to be the Raid Copnfiguration.

I have chagen the BIos configuration and I have 2 days working with endian 2.4.1 (And my job almost saved  Smiley)

I tried before to install endian 2.5.1 but it gives error during installation and I rather to use the stable 2.4.1. version now.

The next step will be to test another server (with the same hardware specifications) to probe again the solution.

I will inform here if this was the absolute solution.
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« Reply #5 on: Friday 19 July 2013, 01:54:23 am »

Yes efectively the rpoblem has been solved.
The motherboard Supermicro SPDMI+ must be configured as follows for HD and RAID:
     |------> Parallel ATA: Enabled
                        |--------------> Serial ATA: Enabled
                                                   |--------------> SATA Controller Mode:   Enhanced
                                                                                      |-------------> SATA RAID      Disabled
                                                                                      |-------------> SATA AHCI      Enabled

Thank you .
Thsi problem has been solved

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« Reply #6 on: Saturday 20 July 2013, 04:26:51 am »

Yes efectively the rpoblem has been solved.
The motherboard Supermicro SPDMI+ must be configured as follows for HD and RAID:
     |------> Parallel ATA: Enabled
                        |--------------> Serial ATA: Enabled
                                                   |--------------> SATA Controller Mode:   Enhanced
                                                                                      |-------------> SATA RAID      Disabled
                                                                                      |-------------> SATA AHCI      Enabled

Thank you .
This problem has been solved.

Can anybody tell me how to close this issue with solved mark?

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