Hi to everyone on the forum!

I am asking myself and now you

, is it possible to assign to NICs to one zone (green) and then provide some antispam filtering on the data passing over this two NICs, since the zone is a bridge...

if I am not wrong on bridging stuff??

Thank you for all your answers.
Regards, Nejc.
Last time I heard that the Endian guys were working on being able to have multiple NICs per zone. As far as I know this feature has not been implemented as yet. Having said that, with release 2.1, they changed the way you allocate the zones to the cards so it could be.
I have only set mine up as red, orange and green so haven't needed the feature you're after. I'd give it a go. Add and extra card into your Endian box and see what options are made available to you.
Sorry couldn't help more...