EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: edber on Thursday 12 November 2009, 08:45:22 am

Title: DHCP on seconday Green
Post by: edber on Thursday 12 November 2009, 08:45:22 am
We are starting a segmentation of our network and are trying to make this as seamless (and painless) to the end user has possible.
Our first step is to put in a new switch with the new IP (10.x)
We took that switch and plugged into one of our spare network connections on  the firewall and made it "green" also and allow all traffic through Green 1 to Green 2(for now)

We want to use Endian as our DHCP server, once configured and we click save we get a message

DHCP on green, invalid start address.
Am I to understand that we can only you use DHCP on the primary ip range which is 192.168.x.x


Title: Re: DHCP on seconday Green
Post by: timupci on Saturday 12 December 2009, 06:12:08 am
My company is looking to do the same thing. I do not see any option in there to add several "GREEN" zones. Currently I am attempting to make a "BLUE" zone a second "GREEN" zone but am having routing issues. (Not to mention the bug where static routes can not be added in the GUI)

I noticed you can have separate DHCP "Servers" for each zone. Give that a try and let us know if it worked for you.

It would be a nice option to have the ability to have multiple green zones.