Hi out there,
I saw quite a lot of similar postings, but the problem I run into is somehow a bit different and strange:
- I am able to identify the green and the red interface (even though I don't know how to change them yet)
- With factory default settings I am able ping the EFW from the green network
- as soon as I apply the settings (fixed IP on the green side DHCP on the red side) on the last step, my workstation (fixed adress 192.168.0.

is not able to reach the EFW any more (neither ping nor http GUI) ... unless I connect both interfaces (eth1 and br0) to the same switch.
- I tried to remove one or the other in order to work around the interface identification problem, but nothing helps ... my EFW box needs both interfaces connected to the same switch
This is quite odd, ant not what I intended or even expected

Any clues anyone?
Thanx in advance