EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: GhostNode on Wednesday 16 June 2010, 12:02:58 pm

Title: DownHill?
Post by: GhostNode on Wednesday 16 June 2010, 12:02:58 pm
I love Endian with all of my heart, but I just recently installed 2.2, as I've had 2.4 on many different machines through verious networks, and have had nothing but problems with it. Does anyone else feel the same, or am I simply not configuring it properly?

Title: Re: DownHill?
Post by: wavrunrx2 on Wednesday 16 June 2010, 02:26:47 pm
well; i hear you on that to a point.
when 2.4 first came out, there were 2 game ending bugs.

right off the bat.

not good.

other then that... id give it a B+

Title: Re: DownHill?
Post by: deadmalc on Wednesday 16 June 2010, 06:16:29 pm
I don't think it is ready for commercial deployment yet, (but that's just my opinion) and really you should be using the commercial product for this!
But 2.3 is a fine and stable release, 2.4 doesn't bring massive changes (it is nicer and great kudos for the endian team)
I think once all the bugs get ironed out it should be a great release.

Title: Re: DownHill?
Post by: mrkroket on Thursday 17 June 2010, 01:08:05 am
Free or OpenSource are the start point of many business strategies. Think of VMWare, they are on top because they broke the market with their free quality-proven products.
ESXi, VMWare Server are free (totally free), but that doesn't mean they are faulty products! Just basic versions without some important tools.

Endian staff, the main door for clients to your commercial products (Software, hardware, support) are the opensource ones, think about it.

Title: Re: DownHill?
Post by: mosocms on Thursday 17 June 2010, 10:09:26 pm
Like GhostNode I also love Endian with all of my heart.

Endian Firewall is the best thing after slice bread.

But this 2.4 release is more like an alpha version.  So many nasty bugs that was a nightmare change 2.3 for 2.4.

Had to go back to 2.3.

Title: Re: DownHill?
Post by: pureobscure on Friday 18 June 2010, 04:57:25 am
I appreciate what these guys do, but I agree that the 2.4 upgrade was not handled well. I wonder a bit about security bugs that may have gotten through when something as major as incompatibility with SATA/SCSI hard drives was missed  :o