EFW Support

Support => EFW SMTP, HTTP, SIP, FTP Proxy Support => Topic started by: oshimapt on Wednesday 03 December 2014, 03:23:36 am

Title: proxy access denied condition not working
Post by: oshimapt on Wednesday 03 December 2014, 03:23:36 am

i have a endian community 3.0 with proxy rules to enable ex. facebook with a "happy hour" and to block at labor hours.
the thing is that if the client logs to facebook at during the happy hour and remains connect after it ends, the proxy won't block the access. it will start working after closing the browser.

the make this work i've created one rule for unfiltered access and rules to block  mime types, filtering content and blocking sites such facebook.

can any one help with it?

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