Hiya Hinge,
Again very similar to another post! This should be something that the Endian team should probably release in the community edition...
Hiya Guys,
We have a highly available and load balanced of Endians, and I dare say you could probably fix the problem by using similar methods...
We only use our Endians for web content filtering NOT FOR VPNWe have two Endian boxes.
Our Internal DNS looks like the following:
endian1.network.local =
endian2.network.local =
proxycluster.network.local =, (TTL set to 2 minutes!)
Our external DNS looks like this:
proxy1.network.com = x.y.z.10
proxy2.network.com = a.b.c.10
We set our network users proxy to proxycluster.network.local, and if we have a problem we can just delete one of the hosts our from the Round Robing A Record, otherwise we have load balancing on our proxies.
We do have high availabilty on our VPN with a commercial product, we did this by using a similar approach, short TTL times, and multiple A name pointers to end points.
It's amazing what you can do with DNS
This may not be exactly what you're looking to do I do appreciate that...