Version: Endian Firewall Community release 2.2.rc3
My zones: GREEN and BLUE
Proxy requires auth on GREEN and BLUE
Proxy port: 8080
Everything is OK if I set up client with manual proxy, but I need auto-configure for laptops and using "auto configure proxy" feature (IE7) efw always returns "DIRECT"
returned proxy.pac:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
if (isPlainHostName(host) ||
shExpMatch( url, "*
return "DIRECT";
else if (host == "")
return "DIRECT";
else if (isInNet(host, "
return "DIRECT";
return "DIRECT";
Line in bold come from lines 92-93 of perl script:
if ($ip eq '' || $port eq '') {
print ' return "DIRECT";';
$ip contains external ip address (requested address)
$port is empty

Any clue?