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Author Topic: Endian 2.4 does not reaches the internet  (Read 7684 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 5

« on: Saturday 11 December 2010, 12:33:09 am »

hi everyone...

I'm trying to test an Endian 2.4 to replace an old firewall here... but the endian can't reach the internet and i don't know why.
this is the structure:
my notebook is connected to the endian green interface directly through a crossover cable. the red interface is connected to a switch and this one is connected to the firewall/proxy (Mandrake Security) that will be replaced but it's still in production...
I've configured my web browser (firefox) to use the Endian as web proxy and configured the Mandrake as outgoing proxy of the Endian.
am i doing something wrong?

To the brazilians in this forum (i think it's easier to understand in portuguese hehehehe):
pessoas estou tentando config. endian no seguinte ambiente:
meu note ligado direto nele por um cabo cross e a interface RED ligada a um switch que por sua vez está ligado a um proxy server (que será substituido por esse endian) que sai para internet...

para efeito de testes eu pus o endian como meu proxy e como proxy de saída do endian esse outro que será substituido... mas ele nao consegue sair para internet de modo algum...
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