Hi all!
i'm daniele, a newbie of the forum...but not of endian firewall

i've been experiencing a strange problem in the last days on an Endian Community 2.5.1 installation:
If i open an ISSUU magazine with IE 7-8/Opera/Firefox/Chrome (yeah, i've tested them all!!) everything works fine
If i open the same magazine with IE 9-10 it will open after 5-6 minutes
If i put IE 9-10 into IE 8 document mode, everything works great
If i use IE 9-10 without Flash player installed (ISSUU beta, html5 version maybe??), everything works great
My installation is:
Endian firewall Community 2.5.1 (i've tested this bug even with 2.5.2 and 2.4.0)
2 vCPU
4 gb RAM
AD authentication
on squid, i've put every website used by issuu onto a special list that are not scanned by antivirus, don't require authentication and don't pass through Dansguardian...but...it still doesn't work
if u need them, i have 2 logs. one using ie8 and another one using ie9. no blocked sites (except for facebook, but that's not the problem)
IE 9 seems to stop after loading the SWF used to show the magazines, and then it continues again after 4-5 minutes
IE8 and "the good ones" continue downloading the magazines via amazonaws servers
please help me, i'm getting very mad with this problem, i can't figure out where's the clue!!!
thank you!