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Announcements => Project News => Topic started by: tomakos on Wednesday 25 June 2008, 01:34:48 am

Title: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: tomakos on Wednesday 25 June 2008, 01:34:48 am
Hello folks,

is there any knowledge about the project plan, concerning the release date of 2.2 Final? As I am planing to reinstall two machines in the near future I would like to know if it is worth waiting or if I should go ahead now and install 2.1.2 because 2.2 is still going to take a long while to be released.

Thank you for any information

Title: Re: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: blobbi on Wednesday 30 July 2008, 05:24:20 pm
hi there,
i think the final release is comming " when its done " yesterday i visit the Endian WebSite and whats that ... 2.2 RC2 ...
so i think the release time from RC1 to RC2 was  3Month so probably in the nex 3 Month there is the Final. " i hope"
because i have to do 3 installations with 2.2 :)

grettings with my bad english an from Germany

Title: Re: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: tomakos on Wednesday 30 July 2008, 06:30:36 pm
Hello Frank,

thanx for the info! Best regards from Athens/Greece to my old homeland Germany,

Title: Re: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: c0l3s on Wednesday 30 July 2008, 09:56:24 pm
at first I think it will be out on may 2008 but on may 2008 it's RC1 and around July 2008 it's release RC2
I hope it's release soon...Because I'm still using Beta 4

Title: Re: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: blobbi on Thursday 31 July 2008, 11:49:20 pm
i´m using rc1
and sometimes all my Server on the orange side coutn´t connect anymore to DNS
doing a ping with www.google.com will give you no ip adress but a ping with the ip adress will work ...
only a reboot can i fix this Problem.... hope auf the final ...

Title: Re: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: dr.fix on Friday 09 January 2009, 11:52:54 pm
any update about 2.2 final release?

Title: Re: Project Plan: When is 2.2 final going to be released?
Post by: jpgillivan on Friday 29 May 2009, 09:57:31 pm
Enterprise verison 2.3 is being released next week.  However I don't know how long it takes for a retail version to make it to community.