Hi guys,
I was in the same boat as yourselves, tried compiling left right and centre and found the following on the new endian bug forum .
Link is h t t p:// jira .endian .com/ browse/ CORE-629 (of course remove the blanks in the address to the left

You will need to register first (its free) but on that page is an official link from Luca Giovenzana (Im assuming he is one of the Endian official demigods

) with precompiled rpms for this card.. Downloaded them, transferred via usbstick to the server, and just ran rpm -i on the required one - kernel-module-igb-5.0.6-2.endian4_2.6.32.43_57.e51.i586.rpm and had the server up in about 5 mins.. heres hoping he can do the same for the newer Broadcom drivers as well