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Author Topic: Can't install EFW 3.2.0 alpha 1  (Read 30180 times)
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« on: Tuesday 08 March 2016, 07:29:00 am »

I tried to make myself a usb flash drive by using unetbootin so as to give EFW 3.2.0 alpha 1 a try (32 bit), but, when trying to boot the flash drive, there is an error that just says something along the lines of "can not find LABEL=rec_boot" or something like that, which is the name that the ISO gives a CD when I burn it.

I also tried installing from a CD but that didn't work as well as it would give me some error that I forget now.

Anyways, by sheer luck, I booted the flash drive, and, had the CD in as well, so, when it was looking for the rec_boot labelled media, it just took it from the CD and actually installed itself from the CD.

This seems to be the fix for now, make yourself a flash drive with unetbootin, boot the flash drive, and insert a CD with it burned at the same time as the CD will have the label rec_boot and the installer off of the cd will boot it.

I've tried naming the flash drive partition rec_boot but that hasn't done anything.

In all honesty, I'm just perplexed that there isn't a comprehensive guide on how people could install and test EFW from a flash drive, who still has CDs laying around these days, flash drives are so much faster and better in terms of installing software...
Lucas Rey
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« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 22 March 2016, 05:47:16 pm »

I'm always used "rufus-2.7" to write usb key, give it a try.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 18 May 2016, 10:13:11 pm »

I was unable to install Endian ver 3.2.0_beta from CD neither on HP DC7800 SFF nor on HP DC 8200 SFF. The computers kept rebooting itself hardly displaying the first line of text from installation CD.
Then I tried to use the USB stick and the installator hang on "can't mount disk labeled "rec_boot", when I inserted a CD it continued and finished successfully.
When I was creating the image on USB stick, the refus.exe ver 2.7 complained about something being outdated on Endian iso image... (something ver 6.1 versus ver 6.3, don't remember exactly).
Hope this help.
Long story short: Use USB sitck and CD at the same time Smiley
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 15 June 2016, 04:57:21 pm »

Just try to make stick bootable using Rufus (https:(slash)(slash)rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=en_US) in dd-mode:
Download rufus and lounch it
1) Tick Create a bootable disk using ISO image
2) Browse to efw image file and select it
3) Click Start and select dd-mode in popup dialogue
Wait until it'll done and try to boot from freshly made bootable stick. For me it works like a charm.
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