EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: robytron on Monday 09 November 2009, 10:22:32 pm

Title: QoS , Shaping ... EFW 2.3 Please explain ...
Post by: robytron on Monday 09 November 2009, 10:22:32 pm
I am facing some problems setting QoS in Endian 2.3 Community. I want to assign maximal up and download speed to each host on my lan.
I have 10 clients and 1 SHDSL uplink 2/2Mbit, I want to limit max. up and down speed to 128kbit to EACH of My client PC's.

Is this possible ???

Title: Re: QoS , Shaping ... EFW 2.3 Please explain ...
Post by: mrkroket on Tuesday 10 November 2009, 02:19:11 am
Never tested , but try this:

 -On devices, create your uplink device: Iface: Red.  Max upload and download 1800 kbps (90% of your 2Mbit link)
 -On classes, create 10 queues all with the same priority, reserved speed 128kbit and max 648kbit
 -On rules, create 10 rules each one with one queue. As source use the IP or MAC of each of your clients.

Why max 648kbit? Because you have 10 queues with min traffic of 128 kbit. That means a total of 1280kbps of reserved traffic. Of a total of 1800kbps you have free 520kbps. Just let that anyone can use those extra 520kbps (520 + 128 = 648kbps max). Everyone will have a reserved, ensured 128kbps link, but can fight for the 520kbps pool.

Title: Re: QoS , Shaping ... EFW 2.3 Please explain ...
Post by: robytron on Tuesday 10 November 2009, 02:27:44 am
Thanks I will try it, the limited max dl/up speed of 128kbit is just for testing
all of My efforts to share bandwidth evenly on My network has failed, so
I decided to take some experiments with lower dl/up speeds.

Title: Re: QoS , Shaping ... EFW 2.3 Please explain ...
Post by: robytron on Tuesday 10 November 2009, 06:34:26 pm
I am lucky having only 10 PC on My LAN, but I was just wondering
what if I have 300 PS's ? For all of My PC's I have to define unique rules ?
It's enormous job...