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Author Topic: Slow Boot times  (Read 8261 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 1

« on: Friday 03 September 2010, 01:44:28 am »

I am using an Atom D945GSEJT with 2GB of memory and an add-on Dlink network card. OH yes, Endian 2.4, I just downloaded a few days ago.

Everything seems to work fine and all of the drivers work. I notice that it takes nearly 4-5 minutes to start. I had Astaro personal loaded on this exact machine and it loaded in around 1-1/2 to 2 minutes.

I notice that there are several modules loading QOS, EMI, SMTPSCAN, and SQUID that take an enormus amount of time to load. I use Content filtering, so Squid starts. I don't know what EMI is, but I know I am not using QOS, or SMTPSCAN.

Is there a way to stop these modules from loading? Are all of the modules intergral to all of the modules working? Or can some of them be set to not run if not needed?

I have been using Untangle, SMEServer and IPCOP in the past. I was not able to install IPCOP on this PC, so I went this Endian, so far I like it and may change some of my other installations.

Thanks for your help.

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