I liked to se the IP address of my pppoe connections so i tweak /var/efw/header.pl to show me.
I just post the code i added to one of the functions:
open ( type, "${swroot}/uplinks/${uplink}/red-type");
$type = <type>;
if ( $type eq "PPPOE" ) {
open ( remoteip, "${swroot}/uplinks/${uplink}/remote-ipaddress");
open ( localip, "${swroot}/uplinks/${uplink}/local-ipaddress");
$remoteIP = "<br />Remote IP: " . <remoteip>;
$localIP = "<br />Local IP: " . <localip>;
$status = $status . $remoteIP . $localIP;
This goes into the sub "connectionstatus" at line 1771. Just put it behind where $timestr and $status variables are set.
Here is a picture for you to see how it looks like: