Hi again xsidx!

but in your diagram you did not show the place of your endian firewall/router.
Where I put "site 01" and "site 02" you can read "actual gateway today" (a slackware with two NICs).
These "site 01" and "site 02" will be the Endian machines on each side.
Do you already have the sights connected via vpn?
No, still no VPN, just direct connections between "site 01" and "site 02" by the radios link.
Does each site have a dedicated ISP?
Yes, ADSL links ready but still not in use. Modems will be connected in bridge mode to each Endian server in "site 01" and "site 02".
Also what is the purpose of those switches laid out in building 2, are those internal switches just under each site the connected to, or are they linking up your buildings as well? (that part of your diagram kinda confused me)
Switches connected in "site 01" and "site 02" are just representing the local networks of each site ( in site-01 and in site-02).
Another thing are you hosting anything between sites that require high amounts of bandwidth like video streaming?
No, in site-01 there is a MySQL server that serves both site-01 and site-02 machines.
And frequently I need to use VNC to help users on site-02.
And last but not lease, is your radio link an IPS like "Anewbroadband" connecting to a tower, or you just have an end at each building linking you up to each other?, I noticed those IP's don't look like public IP's.
Just an end at each building linking up to each other.
The scenario were simplified, actually there is seven little offices (sites) that run an application that needs to access the MySQL server on site-01.
Until little time ago the only way of connect these sites were by the radio links.
Now I have the option of use ADSL (1 or 2MBps only, depending on the site) but with your help and Endian I think that we can achieve failover.
I know that the ADSL links are slow but some connectivity is better than none.
Again, thanks for your help!