EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: rwebb616 on Thursday 19 March 2015, 05:40:21 am

Title: Connection Refused connecting to web interface
Post by: rwebb616 on Thursday 19 March 2015, 05:40:21 am

I have an Endian community edition I believe 3.0 which has been working right along - configured in gateway mode to only use as openvpn server.  Today I tried to access the web management page and I'm getting "connection refused" in my browser so the page cannot be displayed.

I've tried dropping the firewall from the command line using iptables but that has not worked.  /var/log/httpd_access is empty... error_log shows no pertinent information.. ssl_engine_log does not either.  I can't find why my connection is being refused.  I need to get in and manage the vpn clients.

I've verified time and date are correct both on the accessing workstation and on the appliance.

Please help! 


Title: Re: Connection Refused connecting to web interface
Post by: hadexx on Saturday 21 March 2015, 08:32:45 am

you can see .efwsupport.com/index.php?topic=418.0

Title: Re: Connection Refused connecting to web interface
Post by: rwebb616 on Monday 23 March 2015, 02:17:11 am

you can see .efwsupport.com/index.php?topic=418.0

I saw that topic already but I don't know that it's a certificate issue - how can I tell what the expiration dates are on the certificates without having access to the front end? 

I don't want to just change certificates because I have openvpn clients that are using a certificate - I don't know if this one is the same cert or not.

Is there a way to tell?  I'm not getting certificate errors in the logs that I can see and this system was just recently set up.  Date and time were correct on the box before install.

Title: Re: Connection Refused connecting to web interface
Post by: rwebb616 on Monday 23 March 2015, 02:25:48 am
Nevermind I figured out how to check the certificate.  The server.crt in the /etc/httpd directory is valid and has valid dates and times.  The time and date on the system is valid so this is not the issue.

Any other suggestions?

Title: Re: Connection Refused connecting to web interface
Post by: rwebb616 on Monday 23 March 2015, 02:58:45 am
Ok so I found that I had an IP address conflict.  A vendor decided to use the same IP address as my endian firewall.  Problem solved.

Thanks anyway!