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Author Topic: Prevent Automatically Detect Settings in IE  (Read 9990 times)
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« on: Wednesday 17 November 2010, 09:44:31 am »

I need to prevent WPAD (Automatically Detect Settings) for proxy configuration in Internet Explorer (IE). Sorry, I'm pretty new to Linux and I'm still having a tough time finding the correct files and where settings are stored. So, if you would, please spell out any directory paths and file names.

My EFW is setup for two network situations, green and blue.

The green network does Windows Authentication for non-transparent proxies. It works very well.

The blue network is setup for transparent proxies and is a wide-open public wireless network for Internet access.  It is where my problem lies. If somebody connects to the blue network with Internet Explorer and has "Automatically Detect Settings" enabled (which is the default) in the connection settings they will be asked for a username and password to authenticate. So, somewhere, I assume through DNS or DHCP the EFW is handing out a WPAD file.

Could somebody tell me the best way to prevent this?
Thank you.
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