Hello there,
I am new on endian and i just finished setup and config efw, I must say it so great using efw intead of ISP modem/router !

Everything work great: the router ISP become just a bridge and all in manage by efw, we also have a dynamic IP so we choose for Dyndns solution and it work well include the auto update Dyndns. Our server can be see form outside no problem.
Now I have the only problem = I have config for one url for our server "officeserver1.dyndns.org", this can be access only from outside office without any problem, but if i am at the office (behind my efw), i cannot = If i type url officeserver1.dyndns.org in the office i got a browser cannot access to this url, bu if i type "officeserver1.dyndns.org" from outside/home I can see without any problem...

.... :-/ .. Why ? Whats the setting to make the dyndns url accessible from both side? ...
In "Dynamic DNS" i activate "Enable wildcards" ... but do not help...
Ideas please...