Hi, new user here. Great package.
Issue as follows :
Am using community edition, local http proxy authentication, to police web access. Works great thanks

However, I observe that some passwords are checked in a weak fashion.
We have min pwd length 6.
The example where this was spotted first is as follows :
Username :- User13
Password :- unlucky-digit
This user reported that using the password unlucky-number also granted access through the proxy.
versions involved - this was identified on 2.2rc2, I have since done a backup and restored on to 2.2rc3 and the issue persists.
My investigation has found that anything beyond the dash (-) is ignored, e.g the above user can get on with "unlucky-fruitcake" or even just plain "unlucky-"
I'm not sure if this is a but or just a documentation issue, but I could not find it anywhere in the help or on here.
Any thoughts ?