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Author Topic: Problems with Vuze's UDP on Outgoing firewall?  (Read 11543 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 2

« on: Tuesday 26 April 2011, 08:23:46 am »

 Dear: Community

 Hello everybody and first off thank you for your time I really appreciate it. I'm having difficulties getting EFW 2.4.1 to work with Vuze. (vuze.com) I've been using it for years and am quite familiar with stripping the newer versions down from the huge piece of bloatware to the basic P2P client that finally has none of the additional plugins or social stuff loading. I've not ever had a problem port forwarding or in general working with firewalls or P2P but wow I'm quite frustrated at the moment after trying every combination I know of and having spent the greater portion of the day searching not just the local forums here but the manual and google as well. I have created all the rules as one would expect inside "Port forwarding / Destination NAT" and the "Outgoing firewall" sections, tried every recommendation I've found, an really have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Using the NAT/Firewall test inside of Vuze I have no problem with my rules when it comes to the TCP port but can never get UDP to respond after sending the outbound packet test. (while waiting for the reply probe timeouts occur)

 Getting around to turning on and off every aspect of not just my system but the network as well attempting to find where my problem might be I noticed I have absolutely zero problems (test or actually running) when I turn off just the Outgoing firewall. This makes me believe I'm blocking something here but honestly after searching for every port used from the defaults to actually manually setting them all and in general teching around I've come to the decision this has to be something incredibly stupid I'm doing or missing here.  I've really enjoyed my experience with EFW so far as it does far and beyond everything I've wanted it to, is simple to setup, and has not gave me a single problem yet even while setting up rules for many other applications but as I've gone through making sure everything was set up and running correctly this is the last thing on my list that still eludes me.

 Once again I really appreciate any words of wisdom/advice out there as I'm currently baffled. LULZ out of everything it can do & a lot of time appreciating it's more advanced features this is the part I get caught up on! Grin

Jr. Member
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Posts: 2

« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 27 April 2011, 12:29:30 am »

 Honestly folks been nerding out my whole life an never have I had this type of problem setting up some basics like this. According to everything I can find I've set this up correctly a hefty number of times. (including a few reinstalls to make sure) Looking around the forums I found a number of people complaining about situations like this where things just wouldn't open up until after a few reboots which frustrated the hell out of them personally as they searched for an actual real fix to their problems. I originally started using Endian because I felt Smoothwall was really lacking in continued development, finally I just dumped my Endian boxes an decided to test out ClearOS (clearfoundation.com) & Zentyal (zentyal.org), both of them work like a charm, are loaded with features, and I've not had any issues since. To anyone in the same spot I'm sorry I didn't come up with a better more appropriate solution from inside Endian to fix your problems, if you decide to stick around and fight with it good luck!

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