
1) Work as administrator
2) Download the OpenVPN GUI for Windows OS X : /openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/
3) Run it. The installation will proceed. You are likely to be prompted about installing a driver. Choose "Continue Anyway"
4) Copy BOTH files, the configuration file configClient.ovpn (below the file. In the first line, Change "IP adress here" by the IP or name of your Endian VPN server ) AND the server certificate file x.pem (download it from Endian), to the "OpenVPN configuration file directory" (C:\Programs\OpenVPN\config\)
5) Run vpn GUI (C:\Programs\OpenVPN\bin\openVPN-gui.exe)
6) Double click on the OpenVPN GUI icon menu (at the lower corner right)
7) Insert user name : * (you define it in Endian VPN Authentification users)

Insert password : * (you define it in Endian VPN Authentification users)
configClient.ovpn file :
# Specify the Hostname or the IP, the port and the protocol (tcp or udp) #
# to reach the OpenVPN Server. #
# The Hostname can be a dynamic FQDN such as a DynDNS one. #
"IP adress here" 1194
proto udp
# You must specify this parameter if you want the Username and Password #
# request to appear. Comment it if you only use X.509 Authentication. #
# You need to specify the file which contains the certificate (PEM format) #
# of the Certification Authority that signed the OpenVPN server certificate. #
# You can export it by clicking the hyperlink CA on the login page of #
# ZeroShell. #
# Notice that you need to specify this parameter also if you use #
# "Password Only" Authentication. #
;ca C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\cuore-gw.pem
ca cuore-gw.pem
# If you want to use the Client X.509 Authentication you must specify #
# a client certificate and the related private key in pem format. #
# You can merge both in the same file. #
;cert client.pem
;key client.pem
# You should not need to change these settings. #
verb 3
mute 20
resolv-retry infinite
dev tap
Hope this would help
