Did a few more tests last night. I started with trying to put another NIC in the box but then realized it has no more slots. So I'm stuck with the 2 NIC's I have. I ran a few install tests.
1. Re-install 1: Both NICs enabled, GREEN on Intel - install failed when trying to bring up network, on reboot it just flashes GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB across the screen.
2. Re-install 2: Both NIC's enabled, GREEN on Broadcom - install failed when trying to bring up network, on reboot it just flashes GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB across the screen.
3. Re-install 3: Intel enabled, Broadcom Disabled - install failed when trying to bring up network, on reboot it just flashes GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB across the screen.
4. Re-install 4: Broadcom enabled, Intel Disabled (Actually the entire PCI bus disabled) - Installed. Re-enabled the PCI bus. Detected the NIC. Ran the wizard. Same problem, no ping on external NIC, even with a direct x-connect to another PC.
...Looks like I'm headed back to Untangle

and I was so looking forward to some of these options Endian has.