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Author Topic: Beginner question  (Read 15581 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 4

« on: Thursday 18 February 2010, 10:16:09 pm »

Hi everyone!

I need to join two LANs which are far away geographically. I have found a solution using OpenVPN but I cannot deploy it since I need to  new routers. My routers are simple routers and no software can be installed there. Therefore, what I have is: two LANs each one with one very simple router as a gateway. I read in an article that if one PC in both LANs has Endian firewall, I could join both LANs even if those PCs are not the gateways. The next link shows an image of the distribution I would like to implement (there should be another LAN at the right side of internet, so the image is symmetrical): malakus.es/manual.htm. In that webpage there is just information about how to install endian firewall. I would like to know if what I told you is possible with endian firewall. If it is, could you recommend me a manual or anything to create it?

Thanks in advance Smiley

Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 24 February 2010, 04:38:31 am »

Distance is not a problem on VPN connections  Wink

You don't need to install anything on routers, just configure incoming traffic and send OpenVPN incoming traffic to EFW.
You should configure your internet router to forward OpenVPN ports (TXP&UDP 1194) to Endian, or set router to pass all incoming traffic to EFW box.
The important point is that your endian firewall receives the incoming OpenVPN traffic.
If you have no access to configure anything on routers I'm sorry but I don't have any other ideas.

Another important point is that at least one gateway must have public static IP or dyndns.

Hablo español así que si necesitas más datos no dudes en preguntar

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