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Author Topic: Endian Fork - Looking for members !  (Read 415228 times)
Jr. Member
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« Reply #30 on: Wednesday 05 July 2017, 07:56:03 am »

Sounds good. I am trying EFW Community for the first time in years. I contributed a bit to IPCop over the years (not as an official developer) but it's been a while since any releases have been propagated and it's been a good while since any SVN updates have been submitted.

I maintained an adaptation of IPCop to run on old Cobalt servers dubbed Raqcop complete with a bar graph bandwidth meters on the LCD character display plus some changes to the graphs adding hourly as well. I also added a line quality graph that pings the primary DNS server by default but has a file it will look at first if one wants to put their own address they want it to ping to or in case the primary dns is not pingable. I was about halfway done trying to port the Cobalt patch to 3.10 kernels and beyond. 3.4 was the last version that I was able to get it ported over. The kernel has changed so much I'd prefer to use stock or updated third party kernel drivers. The only Cobalt left that would do any justice to todays firewall routers is the 550 with a 1400 PIII dropped into the socket and then there is the noise. Lower rpm fans were a must to tolerate it. My future boxes will be fanless with heatsinks. I'm so over fans wearing out and making noise!

Realizing this is the Community edition, the area I am having the most difficulty with is the urlfilter. Aside from me not getting it to work, I notice it does NOT use squidguard to create databases and the list is not selectable by the user. The best way to use Squidguard is to download the list to /tmp as you do now since it is linked to a TMPFS directory and then let Squidguard create the databases while still in /tmp and then copy that to the proper directory. The database method is much more efficient and less taxing on the proxy than trying to get it to read 18000000 lines of ip addresses directly from text but you want to avoid creating the databases on a hard drive, it takes a lot longer and thrashes the drive so do all that in TMPFS.

There is a lot I really do like too. On the official report/request channel, are patches ok to submit for review?
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« Reply #31 on: Thursday 06 July 2017, 12:01:49 am »

Hi Dave,

the official place we're mostly working on is the bug tracker jira.endian.com you can open an improvement and attach patches.
We're thinking about opening our git but still work in progress.
For development discussion you can write to efw-devel@

Thank you and cheers,
Jr. Member
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« Reply #32 on: Monday 10 July 2017, 04:27:09 am »

Opening the git would be helpful as I like to have a stock source and a modified source where I can test build and run diffs between the two trees and submit for approval.

The bug tracker site though, opened my eyes as to how much development is happening in Endian and I'm encouraged by it. Also submitted a few minor improvements which are in testing, an hourly graph and a decent favicon logo with the EFW Community green logo with a transparent background. I see a lot of activity at the bug tracker site. Very encouraging.
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« Reply #33 on: Tuesday 11 July 2017, 02:32:01 am »

Endian Firewall never had the real Dev sources available.
Source Packages are incomplete, some SRPMS here and there and not a clear way to contribute or recompile things.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #34 on: Monday 05 February 2018, 05:27:22 am »

Dear all,

Could anybody provide me a sample of vba/ms access/ sql/ office application etc. project.
Actually i m looking this to help graduate students in IT/CS.

Any Help?

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« Reply #35 on: Wednesday 30 October 2024, 02:27:29 am »

Sorry to revive an old thread. I have been looking at the code for Endian 3.3.2 and have been modifying for dynamic zones. I am tired of the limits created by R,G,B,O zones. I hope to completely eradicate the fixed zones and move to dynamic zones and expand DHCP to cover each zone. nothing published yet, but I plan to setup a github spot for the build. I see a lot of strange python redirecting to perl/cgi in this version so I assume Endian plans to move to a python based platform at some point. I will keep the original perl/CGI and get rid of the python since it is barely implemented. I am curious if anyone has done this before i recreate the wheel? I see netdeep has created some type of ipcop/smoothwall for (possibly Endian) but it is still locked into the 4 zones.

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« Reply #36 on: Saturday 16 November 2024, 08:50:38 am »

I've started the fork project - razwall dot com
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