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Author Topic: Havp Fails on Boot "ONLY"  (Read 14612 times)
Full Member
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Posts: 64

« on: Thursday 16 October 2014, 12:16:45 pm »

After an upgrade from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2, the havp module fails to launch on boot. The error from havp.log states it "failed to connect to scanner socket". Whats strange is that if you manually start the service, all is well !?!?

I have been troubleshooting this for some time now. I have checked the versions of havp, clamd, file permissions, I have run havp as root, checked /var mounts and mand locks, and have even compared the start-up scripts for the services in /etc/init & /etc/rc.d/init.d/ >> Not sure why considering they start fine when asked to !?!?.  But I'm about all out ? Can somebody throw me a clue here?Huh What am I missing?

2.5.2 versions                              2.5.1 versions
havp- 0.92                                   havp- 0.92
clamav- 0.97.8/19507                   clamav-0.97/19379
squid- 2.6.stable22                       squid- 2.6.stable22   

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Posts: 64

« Reply #1 on: Thursday 16 October 2014, 02:58:35 pm »


dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq startup succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq startup succeeded
syslog-ng: syslog-ng startup succeeded
monit: monit startup succeeded
ulogd: ulogd startup succeeded
sshd:  succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq startup succeeded
emi: emi startup succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq -HUP succeeded
openvpn: openvpn startup succeeded
httpd: httpd startup succeeded
sshd: sshd shutdown succeeded
sshd:  succeeded
ntpd: ntpd startup succeeded
dhcpd: dhcpd startup succeeded
clamd: clamd shutdown failed
dansguardian: dansguardian startup succeeded
collectd: collectd startup succeeded
fcron: fcron startup succeeded
amavisd: amavisd startup succeeded
postfix:  succeeded
mailgraph: mailgraph startup succeeded
pyzord: pyzord startup succeeded
havp: havp startup failed
snort: snort shutdown failed
snort: snort startup succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq: dnsmasq startup succeeded
dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq startup succeeded
dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq startup succeeded
dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq startup succeeded
dnsmasq shutdown succeeded
dnsmasq startup succeeded
havp: havp startup succeeded
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