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 on: Saturday 22 April 2023, 03:04:17 pm 
Started by Permise - Last post by mv82
Same problem here. When will there be a Version supporting this NIC? Dear Endian-team: I think it should be very soon since many manufacturers begin to use them in there firewall hardware products.

 on: Tuesday 18 April 2023, 11:16:05 pm 
Started by it-vts - Last post by it-vts
Hey everyone! Is it possible somehow to restart the openvpnclient via the command line or cron scheduler, which would be equivalent to a GUI on and off connection?

I found a python script:

https: //help.endian.com /hc/it/articles/218145348-Example-of-Custom-Script

but after its execution, absolutely nothing happens?!

Also I tried to stop/restart openvpnclient from here: /etc/init.d/openvpnclient stop <clientname>

but got an error:

Stopping openvpn client '': [FAILED]

My system: endian firewall community 3.3.9 Python 2.7


 on: Thursday 13 April 2023, 04:02:41 am 
Started by Mystical_Titan - Last post by Mystical_Titan
Hi all.

I want to setup a private VPN connection for a client who wants to connect to their office network off-site. I did a search on this forum for a how-to, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone help me setup EFW Community as a VPN server? Is this even possible or do I need to look elswhere?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 on: Sunday 09 April 2023, 12:02:33 pm 
Started by GD67II - Last post by TCr82
maybe you have boot in efi mode?

 on: Sunday 09 April 2023, 11:55:34 am 
Started by Stefano - Last post by TCr82
it seams still a problem in 2023 to install Endian Fw on a EFI only system.

I can enter grub, but after select the boot entry, there is no output.

It seams that the efi framebuffer driver is not compiled in.
The system boots in background - when it is up i get a beep all secounds.
It also reacts on sysrq reboot request (CTRL+ALT+PRINT and REISUB)

I also tested some kernel params, like nomodeset and video=vesa / video=efifb:list ... but all without success.

to bad, I would give it a try... but without console it seams not be possible for me.

 on: Saturday 08 April 2023, 03:28:47 am 
Started by mojolacerator - Last post by mojolacerator
Is there any way to upgrade Community version 3.3.22 to version 5 or 6

 on: Saturday 01 April 2023, 08:33:05 am 
Started by d072330 - Last post by d072330
Fixed it.  Do not know why I did not think of this sooner.

Translate to Section:
Type: IP
Insert IP: < I just added some random IP address that is not in our network. >
Port/Range: Blank

 on: Monday 27 March 2023, 02:11:26 am 
Started by S3@N - Last post by Tursi
Ok so if anyone would read this in the future...

the problem was with community.rules set

while trying to test the config:

snort -T console -q -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i eht0
ERROR: /var/signatures/snort/processed/custom/snort3-community.rules(16) Unknown rule option: 'service'.
Fatal Error, Quitting..

deleted community rule set trough gui and now everything works !

 on: Monday 27 March 2023, 01:18:22 am 
Started by S3@N - Last post by Tursi
Hi !

using Endian community 3.3.21 OS on some miniPC with two ethernets.

trying to enable Intrusion detection system but although the switch is green, the status says its OFF.

Is there any bug or additional configuration needed to get this working ?

Or was the support for IDS canceled on community edition ?

Can someone please help ?



 on: Saturday 04 March 2023, 05:12:28 am 
Started by itcaelsa - Last post by itcaelsa
Tengo instalado el Endian 3.3.2 pero no bloquea los sitios de youtube.com facebook.com en lista negra en web filter y es transparente, me podrķa ayudar,  de ante mano muchas gracias

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