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Author Topic: Outgoing firewall problem?  (Read 16120 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 1

« on: Wednesday 28 November 2007, 04:01:45 pm »

I've just installed the new beta and am having issues with enabling ports in the outgoing firewall.
I can set a new rule, but don't see a way to select a source network/ip or interface. It always defaults to "Any".

...and the rule does not seem to work. For example, I have a service on p81/tcp that I need to allow through the outgoing firewall. Even if I create the rule, I can not pass this traffic through the firewall. If I turn the outgoing firewall off, I obviously have no issues.

If I edit existing rules from the backup I did of my 2.1 installation, I can see a box to select the desired networks,interfaces, etc. Again, when creating a new rule, I do not see this box and can only select the type of source, but not the actual source.

Is this a bug in the new version? Should I revert to 2.1?
Any suggestions are welcome. This is driving me nuts!
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