EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: iomega55 on Saturday 22 October 2011, 11:05:44 am

Title: 2 green zones 1 endian
Post by: iomega55 on Saturday 22 October 2011, 11:05:44 am
I have 2 segments:  172.24.x,y   and 11.1.x,y

How can I configure the endian or what do I need to have the 2 segments as if they are Green zones inside the same box.

At this moment I will try to have 2 endians, one for 172. and one for 11., but I wonder if I can have both segments in the same box, share the same red zone.

I want to have just one endian, 2 greens, 1 red, is it posible?





Title: Re: 2 green zones 1 endian
Post by: mrkroket on Wednesday 26 October 2011, 01:50:08 am
On green you can add more than one subnet, they all will be bridged.

Another option is using BLUE or ORANGE as GREEN 2. Just configure the interzone correctly and way to go.
There are no differences between GREE, BLUE or ORANGE zones, they behave the same.

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