Had the same issue. Furthermore I initially thought it was a different situation since I didn't see any cursor blinking, just the black screen and nothing else, but this was later discarded by connecting a different monitor which showed the blinking cursor (resolution issues, you know).
In my case, after playing with AHCI/Legacy, UEFI, secure boot and several options from BIOS + several Endian install attempts (versions 3.2.2 to 3.2.5), nothing seemed to work... At the end we installed a Windows System (7) in the machine (HP ProDesk 600 G1) and in the process we found several partitions in the HDD, possibly created by the previous Endian install attempts, such partitions were deleted leaving only one. Windows got installed and we tried Endian install again on this same machine an disk, in this case with successful result: 3.2.5 up and running.
Hope this helps others in the community
