What you need.
Endian (of course)
Follow these steps
1. Go to Proxy > content filter > Create a new profile and name it bypass or whatever you want. (it must show something like this bypass (ContentX) remember this x number)
2. Go to Proxy > Access Policy > add a new policy and select the bypass profile.
3. Go to System > ssh access > enable ssh access.
4. fireup winscp or putty > open /etc/dansguardian/dansguardianfX.conf file where x is the number I ask you to remember (if you are using winscp you can right click on the file to edit it).
5. Browse to the section where it say
# temporary bypass blocks
bypass = 0
bypasskey = ''
Change the bypass=0 to whatever you want.(The value is in second, 300 is good)
6. In the same file, browse to the section where it say
#htmltemplate = 'custom.html'
remove # sign and change it to
htmltemplate= 'bypass.html'
7.make a copy of /usr/share/dansguardian/languages/select_your_language/templete.html file and name it bypass.html and place it to /usr/share/dansguardian/languages/select_your_language/ folder
8. Open /usr/share/dansguardian/languages/select_your_language/bypass.html file and insert the following code in suitable place make sure you don't break html rules.
<a href="-BYPASS-">Click here to bypass</a>
9. Open putty and issue this command
/etc/init.d/dansguardian reload
10. Test test test