EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: vitsoft on Thursday 01 May 2014, 02:54:58 am

Title: static routing
Post by: vitsoft on Thursday 01 May 2014, 02:54:58 am
I'm using efw 3.0 and I have problems setting one stattic route.

I would like to get that all that comes from a specific dmz ip address goes  to the Internet with a specific public ip address different from the default gateway.
With efw 2.5 I had no problems setting the static route and everything worked correctly; with efw 3.0 it's use always  the address of the default gateway, ignoring the static route.

Is something changed and I have to add other configurations?


Title: Re: static routing
Post by: cocoalcazar on Saturday 03 May 2014, 06:47:39 am

Hay que tener cuidado cuando se implementan rutas estáticas con endian y uno quiere aplicarles reglas normalmente. Endian por defecto maneja reglas de rutas (ip rules).

Para cada una de las rutas a crear se debe agregar una regla:

 ip rule add prio 5 to x.x.x.x/x lookup main

Ejemplo: /etc/init.d/rc.local

 route add -net netmask gateway
 ip rule add prio 5 to lookup main