Thanks for those downloads, very nice especially as the vmware tools are already installed - it'll save me having to pull what's left of my hair out trying to fix the script.

I'll give them a try shortly.
Just a quick question about the vmware tools, is it possible to upgrade the tools in place or what would I need to do to upgrade them?
I recently changed from VMWare server 1.0.8 to 2.0.0 and I was able to upgrade vmware-tools. It isn't simple, but doable. You'll need the efw devel RPMS, vmware-tools patched for efw and gcc in the correct version. I also changed the /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.local to manually start the vmware-tools.
As I have little idea of linux, I do the brute force way, I tried everything until it works. Where I have most problems is installing gcc 4.1 (gcc 3.6 doesn't work) to recompile vmware-tools.