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Author Topic: Let's start this off  (Read 38617 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 2

« on: Friday 23 June 2006, 07:52:52 pm »

(Nice forum btw)

So - I'm liking the traffic shaping... But I think they could improve it a little bit...

Firstly - I realise this is completely aesthetic and in terms of functionality it's irrelevant, but it'd be nice to have up and down arrows to move the rules around - or if it automatically ordered them in Low, Medium, High and then Port number... But as I say - that's not terribly important...

What would be nice would be to have it read off user groups from the domain (like the proxy server does) and allow you to set particular users whose traffic shaping is different - e.g. an administrator could have faster ftp downloads than a standard user - or the directors could have faster browsing...

Also a time based setting would be good too - so that you could ensure that ftp or bittorrent was slow during the day, but fast overnight...

The other thing I was thinking about was that it'd be cool to have a way to break down the traffic graphs into applications - so that you could see what percentage of incoming traffic was going over HTTP, or FTP, etc... and if you could break that down into which IP address/user id the traffic was coming to - so you could check for abusers of the system....

That'd be pretty cool...

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