Drivers for: RTL8111B/RTL8168B/RTL8111/RTL8168
Driver can be found there:
Endian Firewall Realtek LAN R8168 driver hope it works on your computers, it works in my EFW 2.3.
Installation steps:As I have the devel RPMS I compiled and installed from make. I didnt follow these instructions, so I don't know if it works as it should.
Option 1: That option was given by an user on an older post, replace r8169.ko.gz for the r8168.ko and reboot. Not tested for me, tought.
gzip r8168.ko
chmod 744 r8168.ko.gz
cp /lib/modules/ /root/r8169.ko.gz
cp r8168.ko.gz /lib/modules/
depmod -a
Option 2: Do the proper install. I didnt tested that too
Partially copied from Realtek NIC driver readme:
<Quick install with proper kernel settings>
Copy r8168.ko file to EFW
change permissions
# chmod 744 r8168.ko
Check whether the built-in driver, r8169.ko (or r8169.o for kernel 2.4.x), is installed.
# lsmod | grep r8169
If it is installed, please remove it.
# rmmod r8169
note: If the built-in driver cannot removed by rmmod, please edit /etc/modprobe.conf and comment 'alias eth0 r8169'. Then, remmove it again or reboot your computer.
# insmod r8168.ko
# depmod -a
# modprobe r8168
You can check whether the driver is loaded by using following commands.
# lsmod | grep r8168 (it should appear some text)
# ifconfig -a
# lsmod | grep r8169 (it shouldn't appear)
To get a better check that the new driver is loaded correctly, use ethtool -i eth0. It will show you what driver you NIC is using.
root@firewall:~ # ethtool -i eth0
driver: r8168
version: 8.014.00-NAPI
bus-info: 0000:02:00.0
So the new driver is loaded for me, with NAPI (good with high loads) and VLAN support. I'll start to stress test the system to see the stability of the new driver. The old one was awful.
What I have done:1) I downloaded the drivers from Realtek: LINUX driver for kernel 2.6.x and 2.4.x (Support x86 and x64) version 8.014.00, date: 2009/8/31
2) I dl 2.3 SRPMS and 2.2 devel RPMS. I have tweaked the 2.2 devel rpms to install on 2.3. So far it seems the same kernel, just with different rpm versions for glibc, and some changed dir names. With tweaking I mean hex editing the rpm to change dependence rpm versions.
3) Since first compilation, the new module loaded fine. But there is a big problem for me, no VLAN support. It seems to receive VLAN data (tcpdump receives from VLAN's), but ping doesn't work.
4) After many he.adaches, I find out that Realtek delivers a broken driver, with incorrect VLAN code. Some guy placed the fix for that: After manually patching my source code, now it has working VLAN support.
I did a stress test. Over 10 min I used jperf to send traffic from ORANGE (VLAN 1 on Realtek 8168 card) to GREEN (VLAN 2 on Realtek 8168 card) at 1Gbps. It was stable, used way a lot of CPU (2 out of 4)