Jr. Member
Posts: 3
« on: Tuesday 04 January 2011, 11:47:48 pm » |
Trying to install 2.4.1 onto Vmware ESXi 4.1. Gets to Install Packages and just sits there. If I press alt + F2 I can see it's stuck on 366:efw-spamassassin ##### [94%]
I have tried a number of different vm settings.
1 and 2 vCPUs 512 then 1024 then 2048mb ram 1 nic then 2 nics then 3 nics. All the different SCSI controller types and IDE. Added a serial port. Hdd size of 10, 20 and 100GB
Anyone have any ideas.? Thanks.
Jr. Member
Posts: 2
« Reply #1 on: Thursday 06 January 2011, 04:58:53 pm » |
Same here. Tried in VirtualBox under Windows 7, under Ubuntu. Tried on real hardware too.
2.4.1 just hangs at the 366 spamassassin 94% load.
Jr. Member
Posts: 3
« Reply #2 on: Friday 07 January 2011, 11:58:13 am » |
Just tested 2.3 on the same VM and it installs fine. Not sure what the go is with 2.4.1
« Reply #3 on: Saturday 08 January 2011, 09:11:49 pm » |
I can confirm the same issue. brand new ESXi 4.1 install on Dell T610, one other VM working perfectly, EFW Community Edition 2.4.1 install hangs at "Install packages..." shell also shows last package was 366:efw-spamassassin [94%]
Anyone find a way around this?
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 08 January 2011, 09:33:40 pm » |
Update: left the machine site, went and searched/browsed this and other forums looking for a solutions... went back some time later to find the the installation had completed. Suggest previous posters try again with a little patience, but this [delay] does seem to be a bug.
Jr. Member
Posts: 4
« Reply #5 on: Thursday 10 February 2011, 08:23:38 pm » |
Having the same issue here: 2.4.1 on esxi 4.1 Having looked into the issue a bit, it would seem that the networking is borked at the time SA tries to pull an update over the web and therefore waits to timeout. To test this, we swapped to a tty on first question and ran: This gave us an ip and we could get out. Continuing the install still failed and checking eth0 showed that it had 'lost' it's IP again. My guess is there is some timing issue with the network being brought up and dhcp... Next attempt will be to find the script that does the network config and try to skip it...
Jr. Member
Posts: 4
« Reply #6 on: Friday 11 February 2011, 03:51:21 am » |
The only solution we found was as above: Go away and leave it for a long while - It eventually times out.
« Reply #7 on: Saturday 12 February 2011, 02:14:20 am » |
I can confirm this "long time to install" also on virtualbox 4.0 on ubuntu.
« Reply #8 on: Thursday 15 September 2011, 10:36:25 pm » |
I can also confirm that after a while, at 94% of spamassassign, it continued.
Jr. Member
Posts: 2
« Reply #9 on: Thursday 06 October 2011, 09:21:46 pm » |
I'm getting the same problem on a physical Dell desktop machine.
How long did you have to leave it before it continued? 5m? 1hr?
Jr. Member
Posts: 2
« Reply #10 on: Thursday 06 October 2011, 09:31:54 pm » |
I'm getting the same problem on a physical Dell desktop machine.
How long did you have to leave it before it continued? 5m? 1hr?
Ignore me. The first time I left it for about an hour and nothing happened. I lost patience and rebooted and this time I left it for about 10 minutes and it's continuing now. Thanks!
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday 11 October 2011, 02:22:06 am » |
Maybe you can try to install with NIC's unconnected. Some times the timeout of internet-related programs is faster when nic is disconnected.
Jr. Member
Posts: 2
« Reply #12 on: Thursday 20 October 2011, 07:47:58 pm » |
Ola Pessoal,
Nao falo ingles, desculpe (Don't speak english sorry)
O Problema do Endian ficar parado na instalação parece ser por causa da atualização do spamassassin, o que eu fiz para contornar o problema foi dar um CTRL+ALT+3 para ir para a console onde eu dei os seguintes comandos:
#ps #kill -9 ID_SA_UPDATE #CTRL+ALT+2 para verificar o status da instalação.
Espero que funcione com vcs!!! Att, Daniel Marques Infraworld.com.br
Jr. Member
Posts: 2
« Reply #13 on: Thursday 20 October 2011, 07:52:08 pm » |
CTRL+ALT+F3 NOT 3 Sorry!!! Ola Pessoal,
Nao falo ingles, desculpe (Don't speak english sorry)
O Problema do Endian ficar parado na instalação parece ser por causa da atualização do spamassassin, o que eu fiz para contornar o problema foi dar um CTRL+ALT+3 para ir para a console onde eu dei os seguintes comandos:
#ps #kill -9 ID_SA_UPDATE #CTRL+ALT+2 para verificar o status da instalação.
Espero que funcione com vcs!!! Att, Daniel Marques Infraworld.com.br
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday 04 January 2012, 08:45:07 am » |
I'm trying on VMW Wkst 8.0.1 (to build a dev machine). Getting similar results.
However, I have tried leaving the installer for a LONG time, and I can verify that it does hang in the same place. But when it finally comes back with a message that says something along the lines of "Failed to install Packages".
It then continues and I can enter a GREEN IP and reboot -- seemingly normally -- but when it reboots the console reports the admin URL as UNKNOWN:10443, and I can't connect to it no matter what I try.
I tried starting ssh service from the console, but it wouldn't go.
Anyone get any other ideas or solve this further?
Thanks in advance, AJ