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Author Topic: EFW 2.5.1 HP Printer Embedded Web Configuration Page  (Read 11387 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 1

« on: Saturday 28 July 2012, 12:35:04 am »

I have a weird issue I am hoping someone else has seen and maybe found a solution for. 

I have multiple sites - each connected with EFW 2.4.1 or 2.5.1 using IPSEC.

I have an HP m2727nf Printer at each site.  5 of my sites are using 2.4.1 and 2 are using 2.5.1.  I was planning on moving all sites to 2.5.1 until this issue was discovered. 

The issue is that I can no longer connect to the Printers Web Admin page (embedded on the printer) from my location (lets call it HQ) on the sites that have a 2.5.1 FW installed.  Even if I turn everything off - the page never loads.  I can connect via a computer on the local network.  Sites that have a 2.4.1 FW installed do not have the same issue - the page loads as expected.  I tried moving a printer from one site to another thinking the issue was HW specific, but its not.  The issues didn't follow the printer - it stayed with the site.  If I reinstall a 2.4.1 FW I can then connect to the printer.  It is only when I have a 2.5.1 rounter installed that I can not connect.  I also updated the firmware on the printers - no change.  I can printer to the printer fine, it just appears to be the Embedded web page that is the issue. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
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