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Author Topic: 2.4.1 Clam AV Fails and stops delivering SMTP mail  (Read 15270 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 3

« on: Tuesday 04 January 2011, 05:01:58 am »

I have a fresh install of Endian 2.4.1 and am having big problems with Clam AV.
Clam AV will fail periodically from auto-update and then cause mail to queue up.
I am running this as a security front-end to an enterprise e-mail system.
I have multiple endian boxes hooked up to different internet connections (100Mb Fiber, 50Mb Cable, 6Mb DSL) to ensure mail delivery but, when ClamAV fails, my backup boxes don't take over because it is still accepting mail.
Initially, the issue surfaced every 2-3 days when set to hourly update. I then switched to daily update thinking maybe it is an issue on Clam's end. Now, the issue surfaces about every 45 days.
Any ideas as to what to do?
Jr. Member
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Posts: 3

« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 04 January 2011, 05:17:14 am »

I forgot to mention that what I do now to fix it once I realize mail is queueing up is:
1. SSH to box.
2. Issue the following commands at CLI:
root@endian1:~ # sa-update
root@endian1:~ # touch /etc/amavis/local_domains
root@endian1:~ # restartsmtpscan
I get this response:
2011-01-03 11:44:16,007 - restartsmtpscan.py[21397] - INFO - commtouch is not installed
clamd dead but subsys locked
Starting clamd:                                            [  OK  ]
2011-01-03 11:44:48,447 - restartsmtpscan.py[21397] - INFO - Initializing notification for service 'smtpscan'
amavisd (pid 21303 21299 21279 8736) is running...
master (pid 8813) is running...
Reloading postfix:                                         [  OK  ]
Starting mail statistics grapher: mailgraph
root@endian1:~ #

Looking in the system logs indicates that an update to Clam AV failed and that ClamAV is shutting down. Since we need to scan incoming mail against viruses and Clam AV is down, mail queues up.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance.
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« Reply #2 on: Friday 28 January 2011, 12:09:26 pm »

same problem.  I though that perhaps it was caused by ClamAV when it was downloading signatures but it seems that for some reason, that ClamAV just stops running and then as a result email just queues up.  Seems to be getting worse recently too.  Before it was once in weeks but now it is every few days and it was twice today.
Lets hope there is a fix cause its a bit of a show stopper for me.

"unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; unmount; sleep"  - my daily unix command list
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