EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: tacioandrade on Wednesday 25 January 2012, 01:26:29 pm

Title: Integration with Endian and Debian PDC
Post by: tacioandrade on Wednesday 25 January 2012, 01:26:29 pm
Hello everyone this is my first topic in this forum. I'm trying to integrate the Endian Debian Squeeze with a PDC running Samba, however when it comes to integrating the Domain Endian is experiencing the following error:

Failed to join domain: Invalid configuration ("realm" set to 'COLEGIOOPCAO', should be '(null)'"security" set to 'ads', should be 'domain') and configuration modification was not requested

I made the addition of the machine in: Network> List of hosts> Add active host -> IP address (host) | hostname data | Domain COLEGIOOPCAO

Here is a screen print of the configuration for logging the server in AD: imageshack .us /f/163/configuracaoad.png/

I can not add a Windows machine with the domain usually put the Endian is complicated.

Sorry for my English is that I am still very weak language.

Att Tácio Andrade.

Title: Re: Integration with Endian and Debian PDC
Post by: qhris on Wednesday 01 February 2012, 05:41:24 pm
I have been running EFW for a few years and I have NEVER gotten it to function reliably (i.e pass the "wife" test) using domain authentication. More than once I have hosed up the entire install trying to get it to work. You are better off setting it to transparent and control your access via machine using MAC addresses. I run a windows domain on W2003 server with a decent size network and it was maddening trying to get authentication to function reliably. Good luck!