EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: gopher_49 on Sunday 11 November 2012, 03:05:19 pm

Title: EFW v2.5.0 locking up randomly
Post by: gopher_49 on Sunday 11 November 2012, 03:05:19 pm
Over the last week EFW has locked up randomly twice...  One time I saw the CPU's where maxed out and the other time it just didn't respond.  Initially (3 months ago) I setup the EFW with 1 CPU.  Once day I noticed after turning on traffic monitoring the CPU's where getting hammered and not responding.  I added a total of 4 cores.. Everything ran for months until now.. It's locked up twice..  So, for now I set it back to 1 x CPU.  I looked in the logs for obvious errors.. I didn't notice anything.

Anything suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this?