Title: Port forwarding not working Post by: acecombat on Sunday 27 January 2013, 11:25:34 pm Unfortunately due to my ISP not providing more than 1 IP I've had to bastardize my web servers by running them on different ports.
It worked no problem on my old server running 2.3 but since migrating to a new server and having 2.5.1 running on the new one the same setup doesn't work. Can someone tell me what's wrong with my rule below? I've got that (and a 80>80 port forward to a different server) setup to log and I'm seeing access on the 80>80 rule but not on the 81>80 rule. Before (And now) I have the following port forward rule setup.: Incoming IP: <ANY Uplink> Protocol: TCP Incoming Port: 81 Translate to: IP Insert IP: Port/Range: 80 NAT: NAT Access From: <ANY Uplink> Filter policy: ALLOW with IPS Title: Re: Port forwarding not working Post by: acecombat on Tuesday 29 January 2013, 06:17:02 pm Turns out it was working. The 2nd link I was testing it from wouldn't allow 81 out because of the firewall.