Hi everybody!
Im currently running ClearOS for my home network, but as it is a "one in all" OS, it tends to be very buggy in some things.
So, i thought in installing a Centos base system, and then Virtualize Endian with Virtualbox or VMware and virtualize another OS like resara or something for purpouses of file sharing that clearos provided.
So, is this possible? And more important: is this recommended or i should avoid doing this?
Take in mind that its an AMD x2 250 Athlon CPU with 2Gib RAM Box where it will be runnin, but its for a
home environment with less than 10 hosts. Endian is going to run Proxy server, DNS and DHCP server and SNORT (IDS).
Any help would be highly appreciated on: How to properly install the Centos Base system (if there is any thing to take in account, such as proper partitioning), how to properly install the endian VM on VMware or Virtualbox (i have access to both, wich one should i pick?).
Thanks in advance!!!