Jr. Member
Posts: 1
« on: Tuesday 07 May 2013, 06:00:36 am » |
Hello guys,
I started to test the Endian 2.5.1 and enjoyed. Currently I'm testing on a VM in Hyper-v. Well, already configured for integration with Active Directory and is listing the users and groups usually ok communication. I began to configure some access policies for a group of AD and early functioned properly, but after some time the policies do not work anymore and blocked everything, just out of nowhere. Since this policy is like first. When running a tail-f / var / log / squid / cache.log appear the following errors:
user filter '(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=squid))', searchbase 'dc=edusoft,dc=net' attempting to authenticate user 'CN=squid,CN=Users,DC=edusoft,DC=net' Connected OK group filter '(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=squid)(memberOf=CN=Suporte,OU=Groups Edusoft,OU=Edusoft,DC=edusoft,DC=net))', searchbase 'dc=edusoft,dc=net' squid_ldap_group WARNING, LDAP search error 'Operations error' Connected OK group filter '(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=squid)(memberOf=CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=edusoft,DC=net))', searchbase 'dc=edusoft,dc=net'
At another time also appeared the message:
Can't contact LDAP server
It seems that error is occurring in the validation of the AD group, but when I edit an access policy appears normally AD users and groups.
Any idea what it might be?