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Author Topic: need help setting up EFW for additional public IP range  (Read 24553 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 8

« on: Saturday 02 October 2010, 04:58:21 am »

Hi All,

Note : all IP's are ficticous...

i finally changed ISP and have a DSL which is connected to a TP link model in bridge mode.

TheISP game me an IP address to assign the router /

They also provided me with a range of /29

I will configure the on the RED interface facing the DSL router for internet connection.

My question is where and how do I setup the /29 range in order to forward requests from one of the ip in the range to a public (GREEN) private IP on the inside network?

How is this 1:1 NAT setup in EFW ?

Thanks for your help in advance.
Jr. Member
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Posts: 2

« Reply #1 on: Saturday 02 October 2010, 04:58:19 pm »

hey there.

I am going to talk about the concept. I am not an expert but according to the concept, its fairly easy.

You can use your EFW red interface as a PPoE to dial via your DSL modem / router so the RED interface gets the ip
Assuming you have an ORANGE interface for your other IPs for the DNAT rules. Assign IP addresses such as to 192.168.200.x ( x being the last ip and its for easy reference).
Assign your IPs on RED and proceed to Firewall tab on EFW. Click Port forwarding/Nat on the left side of the interface and add your public IP lets say translation to ( allow port 80 or whatever you want dnatted) . So the same for other public IPs.
In the end, set rules for outgoing traffic on ORANGE interface and the destination zone should be RED.

I hope this clears the concept.

Experts: If i screwed it up then correct me and the original poster Smiley

Happy firewalling!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: Sunday 03 October 2010, 06:47:26 am »

good explanation but where and how do i add the ORANGE interface?

If I understand correctly, once I have the orange interface, I assign the other IP's to it, then go to firewall and add the 1:1 NAT in there pointing to a Static Private IP.... So this adding an Orange interface, do I simply add a static interface from the interface screen?
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: Monday 04 October 2010, 06:39:11 am »

Jr. Member
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« Reply #4 on: Friday 08 October 2010, 11:18:31 pm »

Im just about to set this up with a USB DSL Modem with multiple public IP's so will let you know how I get on
Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: Friday 08 October 2010, 11:23:13 pm »

I actually got it all working, but yesterday, my DSL started to act up. So they need to get the underline carrier to test my line. was getting 61.5db on upstream... pretty bad.... Probebly to far from the CO. Cry
Jr. Member
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« Reply #6 on: Saturday 09 October 2010, 12:20:52 am »

Ill come back to you then if I have issues setting it up  Smiley
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