Thanks for you help Sarabanjina!!! 
Upgrading from 2.2RC to 2.3 with fresh installation and restoring 2.2rc backup configuration files only.
I did as you said and it worked perfectly, the only thing I have to add to it, is to just update the rules, after it reboots all the Port Forward NAt rules is in RED so just go to edit and update the rule.
Againn thanks for the information, I appreciated the help of all us in this Endian comm,unity forum. It is with our help that Endian keeps sharp like it is.
Here is what Saramnjina posted:I had then 2 problems :
- 501 internal error on web interface
The file "he" was missing in /var/efw (as stated in apache log)
- missing parts in web interface (emi related)
/etc/init.d/emi start doesn't work.
The file "emi.conf" was missing in /etc/endian.
I found these files in "/var/efw/factory/factory.tar.gz".
Now, everything seems to work perfecly and all my configuration is there.
Hope it helps,