EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: u8210618 on Tuesday 28 June 2011, 02:33:13 pm

Title: problem about Authen AD
Post by: u8210618 on Tuesday 28 June 2011, 02:33:13 pm
i have problem about authen AD
 i will use command in ssh command about
 now my Domain is pmk.com and my netbios is factory i will have problem
  i will use window authen
   i will use this command  cd /etc/samba
                                             vi /etc/samba/winbind.conf
                                                   i will change workgroup to factory
         i will can join to domain with net ads -u administator -s /etc/samba/winbind.conf
               and i will start command  winbind
    it ok to join domain and user in
but when i create new policy
    i wll save but i will can't select user again
i will to use comamand again it don't save config to samba
anyone can help
    my problem is netbios not same domainname eg. my domain is pmk.com  netbios or workgroup is factory
   2. my problem i will join with command when save net policy config is changed not selecet user again

Title: Re: problem about Authen AD
Post by: davvidde on Wednesday 29 June 2011, 01:12:37 am
Please use the Web-GUI in the proxy page and not configure  directly by modifying smb.conf