Title: Alias - Multiple External IP's - Endian 2.4.1 Post by: rpatel on Friday 21 October 2011, 02:51:06 am This is very confusing. I know I have done this before on another client system but am not able to do it anymore, and it was on 2.4.1
I have multiple External IP's and I put these in under my Main Uplink. But only my primary IP is working, my other IP's are not working. I know I have set this up correctly, but I don't know why they are not working. Basically, I have multiple servers in my office and I am forwarding specific ports for each ip's to their internal ip's. So Port forwarding is working on the primary ip, but it is not working on the "alias's". I remember editing a file, but I dont remember what I edited and what I added. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Ravi |