Title: Endian with url_regex don't Work Post by: fernando.guse on Tuesday 10 April 2012, 09:23:01 pm Hello
I'm going through the following situation. I need to release the google captcha tool and applied the following rule in the file custom.conf. The full url is /recaptcha/api/challenge?k=6Lc3XsUSAAAAADeuTS_hMJbDUyucj93q3_I8OpZj # REGEX URL GOOGLE CAPTCHA url_regex acl google "/ etc / squid / acls / recaptcha.acl" http_access allow google root @ fw01: ~ # cat / etc / squid / acls / recaptcha.acl recaptcha Would anyone can help me to release only the tool for all of captcha? I look forward to a return. Thank you. |